Aura power of the ancients
Aura power of the ancients

The Cree believed that the lights were spirits of these departed friends and relatives trying to communicate with those they had left behind on earth. The Cree Indians held that the Aurora was part of life’s circle and were the spirits of the dead who remained in the sky but apart from their loved ones. Here are just a few of the many and varied beliefs held by our ancestors in North America. As a result, many, many North American tribes or people evolved their own myths surrounding the Aurora Borealis. We’ve picked out a few of our favourites but it’s only once you have been held in the Aurora’s thrall that you can truly appreciate how these stories originated and how our forefathers might have believed them to be spirits or gods or celestial warriors.Ĭenturies ago, human settlements were far less concentrated and we lived in far smaller and remoter communities with barely any communication with other tribes.

aura power of the ancients aura power of the ancients

Not surprisingly, the Aurora Borealis figures prominently in the mythology and legends of most indigenous people living in countries situated within the Auroral Oval and often further afield. Of course, you know that you are watching the Northern Lights, a spectacular light show created by the interaction of electronically charged particles in our atmosphere but what must our ancient ancestors have thought as they stood and beheld the skies ablaze with light? Suddenly, somewhere in the northern sky, a green smudge of light begins to materialise and slowly manifests itself into dancing stair rods of shimmering green light which skip across the darkness of space. Above that forest is darkness, an ink black sky, dotted with more stars than you had ever believed possible. In front lies a vast and flat expanse of snow-covered ice stretching away into the distance until it encounters the dark, haphazard barrier that is more forest on the opposite shoreline. The only noise comes from a gentle wind playing with the pine trees in the forest behind you. “Some healers have abilities and attitudes that make them believe in their ability to heal other people, but it is actually a case of self-deception, as synesthesia is not an extrasensory power, but a subjective and adorned perception of reality,” the researchers concluded.Imagine standing on a frozen lake just north of the Arctic Circle. “These capacities make synesthetes have the ability to make people feel understood, and provide them with special emotion and pain reading skills”, the scientists said. The team found that El Santón has face-color synesthesia (the brain region responsible for face recognition is associated with the color-processing region) touch-mirror synesthesia (when the synesthete observes a person who is being touched or is experiencing pain, she/he experiences the same) high empathy (the ability to feel what other person is feeling), and schizotypy (certain personality traits in healthy people involving slight paranoia and delusions). “Many people attribute paranormal powers to El Santón, such as his ability to see the aura of people but, in fact, it is a clear case of synesthesia”, the researchers said. In the new study, the team interviewed some synesthetes including the healer from Granada – Esteban Sánchez Casas, also known as El Santón de Baza. “The same occurs among painters and artists, for example.”

aura power of the ancients

“Not all healers are synesthetes, but there is a higher prevalence of this phenomenon among them,” the scientists explained. This way, synesthetes can see or taste a sound, feel a taste, or associate people with a particular color. In synesthetes, the brain regions responsible for the processing of each type of sensory stimuli are intensely interconnected.

aura power of the ancients

“Many healers claiming to see the aura of people might have this condition.” “These extra connections cause them to automatically establish associations between brain areas that are not normally interconnected”, said Prof. In other words, synesthetes have more synaptic connections than “normal” people. In neurological terms, synesthesia is due to cross-wiring in the brain of some people called synesthetes. The new study, published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, explains for the first time the esoteric phenomenon of the aura, a supposed energy field of luminous radiation surrounding a person as a halo, which is imperceptible to most human beings. An artwork shows human aura (No-exit-studios, UK)

Aura power of the ancients